I have this problem with Koh Samui. As hard as I try, I keep finding myself back there, over and over again…..

I’ll find a week I can get away, and begin the process of deciding where I’ll go. I generally start with “anywhere but Koh Samui”. I’ll consider a dozen other places, all fresh new destinations…but somehow I end up booking another Koh Samui trip. I do this at least once each year (actually twice so far this year…).

I know I’ll do it again too. Boracay, Langkawi, Koh Lipe….all places I haven’t got to because I’ve caved and booked Koh Samui. Again.

I guess I’m a Samui junkie.

So to justify my lack of willpower, here is my top 10 reasons for being weak.

1. Because Chaweng is my favourite beach. Ever.

I’m Australian, so this is a traitorous statement. Yes we do have some beautiful natural beaches at home, but Chaweng beach isn’t short on spectacular either. What it does offer, that keeps me coming back, is an endless summer, massages on the beach, luxury cabanas, bean bag bars and $4 Strawberry Daiquiris.

2. Because I really do like Strawberry Daiquiris

This is probably the most pathetic excuse I have. There is nothing like sipping on a frozen strawberry daiquri while reading a book on the sand. And at $4 a pop, I don’t feel the least bit guilty in ordering one (or two).

3. Co Co Tams

My favourite bar in the world. Service isnt great, its even a bit pricy for Koh Samui, but I’ve never been to a cooler bar. And besides, they do a nice strawberry daiquiri.

Click here for Co Co Tam’s Website

4. Bophut Night Markets

Every Friday I’m in Koh Samui I follow the same routine. Get into a quiet Bophut about 3pm, go straight to Co Co Tams, find a bean bag on the sand, enjoy the view, read my book and sip on a couple of strawberry dacquiris.

At about 6pm, I’ll go back to the street, which will now be in a buzz of activity with the crowds streaming through the fabulous Bophut Night Market. I just love the vibe of this market. Fabulous music, delicious street food and loads of colourful shopping options. My favourite night market in the world!

5. Chaweng Night Market

This isn’t really a market, its more of an outdoor hawker centre with loads of scrumptious seafood and thai food options. Unlike most hawker centres, this one includes a stack of bars that will serve you crazy sized cocktails (even strawberry dacquiris). The prices are great, and its just fun to eat outside on a warm night in shorts and thongs.

6. Spa services on the beach

Where in the world can you get an hour long massage, on the beach, for $10? Yeah, I know I can get a cheap massage in Bali or Phuket – but its near the beach, not on the beach.

And I’m sort of embarassed to admit this, but I have had a pedicure, on the beach, while reading a book and drinking a strawberry daiquiri. That experience cost me less than $15, but the memory of it gets replayed about 3pm most work days.

7. Chaweng Songtaew buses

Songthaew (pronounced ‘Song-Tao’) transport is so much fun and really cheap too. They are a covered ute (or pick up truck) with bench seating. They’re up and down Chewang Beach every 2 minutes, so you just flag one down, climb in, and enjoy the ride.

8. Its always summer

I’ve been to Samui in high, shoulder and low seasons. It doesn’t matter when you’re here, it’s summertime. Even in the wetter months, most of the day will be great beach weather, and when it rains, well it’s time to find a bar and order another strawberry dacquiri….

A rainy afternoon on Chaweng Beach

9. Genuine beachfront accomodation for any budget

You can literally stay on the beach in Koh Samui. There are endless hotels and resorts along the beaches in all parts of the island. If you spend $100-120 a night, you can get a gorgeous room that steps directly on to the sand. If you’re budget is healthier, you can pick up a luxury hotel or pool villa right on the beach strip.

Check out my favourite beachfront accomodation in Koh Samui – San Souci Samui

While there are plenty of large scale resorts in Koh Samui, there are also lots of little boutique style resorts that offer some really unique charm to your vacation. You can find anything from budget bungalows for $18 a night to luxury private pool villas – right on the sand.

Check out the accomodation options for yourself on the search box below.

10. Koh Samui Airport

Seriously, the cutest airport ever. You know you’re on holidays as soon as you touch down.

There are a hundred more reasons

I could keep writing about how utterly wonderful Koh Samui is. It is the definative beach holiday destination. Beautiful beaches, cultural sites, amazing shopping, fabulous food, wonderful locals… the list is endless. To top it of, Koh Samui, like the rest of Thailand, is an affordable destination.

Koh Samui is the perfect place to unwind, relax and, if you’re leaving the kids at home…. misbehave.

Maybe I can fit in another trip before Christmas….

Coleen xx

PS. I hope you enjoyed this post. If you’ve been to Koh Samui, have questions about Koh Samui or just share my love of straweberry dacquiris – you’d make my day if you left a comment. xx


Planning a trip to Koh Samui? – Check out the Lonely Planet Pocket Guide.Pocket Ko Samui, Edition - 2 eBook by Lonely Planet